What's Your Birthstone?
The tradition of birthstones finds its origins in biblical times. The Book of Exodus recounts the breastplate worn by Aaron, the inaugural high priest of the Israelites, adorned with twelve distinct stones. These stones symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel, and it was believed that they possessed extraordinary powers.
Centuries later, the historian Josephus proposed a connection between the twelve stones on Aaron's breastplate, the twelve months of the year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac.
By the 8th century, people began to amass all twelve stones but would only wear one at a time, depending on the month. It was believed that wearing a single stone heightened its magical influence.
The modern practice of wearing a specific stone corresponding to one's birth month emerged in the 16th century, originating in either Germany or Poland. This marked the inception of what we now refer to as the "birthstone tradition."

The garnet, composed of a group of several minerals, is renowned for bestowing upon the wearer good health, wealth, and happiness. Among these minerals, pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular, and andradite hold significant value as gemstones.
In the realm of Indian astrology, garnets are believed to dispel negative emotions like depression and guilt, replacing them with heightened self-confidence. They are also credited with fostering mental clarity, stimulating creative thinking, and imparting a sense of inner peace. During medieval times, garnets were even considered a remedy for inflammatory ailments and a balm for troubled hearts.

Amethyst is renowned for its ability to foster personal empowerment and inner strength.
Its name, "amethyst," finds its origins in the Greek term "amethystos," signifying "a remedy against drunkenness." This association is attributed to its wine-like hue, leading early Greek mythology to link the gem with Bacchus, the god of wine. Additionally, amethyst was believed to have a clarifying effect on the mind. In the Renaissance era, it was even thought to have a calming influence on lovers overwhelmed by passion.
While Russia, Africa, and South America—especially Brazil—serve as prominent suppliers of amethyst, this gem can also be found in the United States, notably in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona.

Aquamarine is celebrated for its calming attributes, a gemstone known for instilling a sense of tranquility.
Ancient mariners held a belief in the aquamarine's ability to pacify waves and ensure the safety of sailors at sea. The name "Aquamarine" finds its roots in the Latin word for seawater, a fitting descriptor for its oceanic hue. Due to its crystal-clear resemblance to water, it also came to symbolize purity. Its influence, however, extended beyond just calming tempestuous seas; aquamarines were also thought to bring happiness and serenity to marriages.
While Brazil and Pakistan serve as primary sources of aquamarine, it can also be discovered in regions of Colorado and California.
Alternative birthstone for March: Bloodstone
Diamonds are revered as symbols of clarity and strength, with their name deriving from the Greek word "adamas," meaning "unbreakable."
India was the initial hub of diamond popularity, where they were harvested from the country's rivers and streams. Regarded as possessing healing properties and the ability to ward off the malevolent gaze, they offered protection against the plague and were deemed an antidote to poison, poverty, sickness, and death.
As caravans transported diamonds to markets in Venice, their appeal among royalty and the affluent soared, ultimately extending to the elite circles of Europe.
And here's an intriguing fact: The earliest recorded diamond engagement ring was presented to Mary of Burgundy by Archduke Maximillian of Austria in the year 1477.

Emeralds are renowned for their association with rebirth and renewal.
The term "emerald" finds its roots in the ancient Greek word for a green gem. Roman author Pliny the Elder eloquently described emeralds as "nothing greens greener." He asserted that emeralds possessed therapeutic qualities that aided gem cutters in alleviating eye stress and strain. Pliny stated, "(they) have no better method of restoring their eyes than by looking at the emerald, its soft, green color comforting and removing their weariness and lassitude." Modern science has substantiated that the color green does indeed alleviate eye strain.
Additionally, emeralds were believed to possess mystical powers, allowing individuals to glimpse their future simply by placing the gemstone under their tongue.

Pearls hold a timeless allure and are emblematic of purity, humility, and innocence. In various cultures, they have been a source of fascination and are associated with captivating myths.
In the Middle East, pearls were believed to be teardrops that fell from the heavens. Chinese folklore held that pearls originated from the brain of a dragon. Christopher Columbus speculated that mollusks created pearls from dew drops.
Pearls are unique among gemstones as they are organic in nature, growing within the tissues of living saltwater or freshwater oysters or mussels. The formation of a pearl occurs when an irritant, such as a piece of sand or a parasite, makes its way into the shell.
For those born in June, alternative birthstones include Moonstone and Alexandrite, offering additional options to celebrate this special month.

Peridot is revered as a symbol of strength.
This extraordinary gemstone forms under extreme conditions, emerging in hardened lava from volcanoes and occasionally within meteorites that have descended to Earth. Its presence can also be discovered in rare and exotic locales, such as Papakolea Green Sand Beach in Hawaii, where peridot contributes to the creation of glistening green sands along the coastline.
The ancient Egyptians dubbed peridot the "gem of the sun," and certain historians even posit that Cleopatra's renowned collection of emeralds may have actually included peridots. This testament to its allure and value throughout history further underscores its significance as a gem of strength.

Sapphires hold a rich symbolism of sincerity, truth, faithfulness, and nobility. Throughout history, these precious gems have graced the regal and the religious.
In ancient Greece and Rome, blue sapphires were believed to provide protection against envy and harm. The clergy favored them as they were seen as a representation of Heaven, while ancient Persians held the belief that the Earth rested upon a colossal sapphire, which imparted the sky its distinctive blue hue.
Furthermore, sapphires were attributed with healing properties. They were employed as an antidote to poison and as a remedy for ailments such as the plague and eye diseases.
One of the most iconic sapphires is the one set amidst diamonds in the engagement ring worn by Princess Diana, later passed on to Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge. This renowned piece of jewelry has further elevated the status and allure of sapphires.
Opals are cherished for their symbolism of faithfulness and confidence. Their dazzling array of colors has evoked comparisons to fireworks, galaxies, and volcanoes in folklore. Bedouins once held the belief that opals contained captured lightning, descending from the sky during thunderstorms. In Greek culture, opals were thought to offer protection from disease.
The largest producer of opals is Lightning Ridge, Australia. This region, characterized by its arid and rocky landscape, experiences scorching summer temperatures and extreme heat. In order to endure the punishing conditions, miners often take refuge underground, highlighting the harsh environment they contend with in their quest for these exquisite gemstones.

Citrine embodies qualities of happiness, vitality, and health, drawing its name from the French word for lemons.
Belonging to the quartz family, citrine is occasionally mistaken for topaz, leading to the belief that it shares topaz's ability to bring tranquility and calm to its wearer. Historical records indicate the presence of citrine in Roman jewelry, and it enjoyed particular popularity in Scottish jewelry during the Victorian era.
Natural citrine is a rarity, and in modern times, the majority of citrine quartz is actually the result of heat treatment applied to amethyst quartz. This process enhances its color and appeal, making it more widely available for jewelry and ornamental use.

Blue Topaz holds significance as a symbol of self-expression, wisdom, and creativity.
Topaz boasts a diverse and storied history. Its name is derived from the ancient Egyptian Island Topazios. In ancient Greece, topaz was associated with imparting strength. Across Europe, it was believed to possess the power to counteract magic spells and dissipate anger. Moreover, for generations in India, the conviction persisted that wearing topaz above the heart ensured a life of longevity, beauty, and intelligence. This enduring belief underscores the enduring appeal and cultural reverence for this captivating gemstone.